
Pforzheimer House To Install Locks on Bathrooms Following Repeated Indecent Exposure Incidents

Keypad locks will be installed on the communal bathrooms in Pforzheimer House after students repeatedly encountered a man allegedly entering the building half-naked, according to a Thursday email from Pforzheimer House administrators.

Student Reports of Partially Nude Man in Comstock Date Back to December

Pforzheimer House administrators had been attempting to secure Comstock Hall from a man who allegedly entered the building unclothed from the waist down since December 2024 — more than seven weeks before Harvard University Police Department responded to reports of his presence.

Erica Chenoweth and Zoe Marks Named Pfoho Faculty Deans

Harvard Kennedy School professor Erica Chenoweth and their wife Zoe Marks, an HKS lecturer in public policy, will serve as the faculty deans of Pforzheimer House beginning July 1, Dean of the College Rakesh Khurana announced in an email to house affiliates Monday.

The Pfinalists: Pforzheimer Faculty Dean Search Down to Three Pairs of Candidates

The search for the next faculty deans of Pforzheimer House is down to three pairs of candidates, Pforzheimer Resident Dean Monique A. Roy announced in an email to house affiliates Monday.

Pforzheimer Den Opens With Pac-Man, Pinball, and Neon

A new game room featuring retro arcade machines with games like Galaga, Pac-Man, and Centipede opened in Pforzheimer House on Oct. 13. “The Den” — brightened by neon lights, painted walls, and multicolored floor tiles — also houses a pinball machine and an air hockey table.

Guinea Pigs

Who wouldn't want to protect these cuties?

In Second Year, Sophomore Orientations Expands to Three More Houses

​Orientation is an experience typically reserved for freshmen, but an increasing number of upperclassman Houses are welcoming back sophomores early for their own version of the transition process.

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