News Analysis

Five Takeaways from Harvard President Claudine Gay’s Testimony Before Congress

Harvard President Claudine Gay took the hot seat Tuesday and was grilled by lawmakers over her administration’s response to the Israel-Hamas war. Here are five takeaways from Gay’s testimony before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

The Harvard Admissions Lawsuit Decision, Analyzed

Burroughs’s opinion contains fact-finding and legal arguments that will feature prominently in any appeals process — and could serve as a guide for future affirmative action cases. The Crimson analyzes the opinion’s key findings and conclusions.

Experts Say Sanctions Lawsuits Are Unlikely to be Immediately Dismissed

Lawyers for the University filed two motions to dismiss the suits — one in state and the other in federal court — Friday evening. But according to analysts, Harvard’s arguments are unlikely to convince the judges to throw out the cases right away.

The Diversity Task Force Report, Analyzed

A University-wide diversity task force at Harvard released their final report to the public in late March. Here, The Crimson annotates the report's key recommendations.

News Analysis: Smith’s Departure Follows Historical Trend

Over the past 70 years, four presidential transitions have brought a subsequent resignation from the FAS dean—the leader of Harvard’s flagship faculty.

Labor Experts Foresee Long, Difficult Path to Student Unionization

Harvard’s student unionization effort could come to an end at the hands of Republican appointees to the National Labor Relations Board, one of a number of ways experts say the years-long movement could stall.

School of Public Health Partners with Politico for Polling

For the first time, the School of Public Health is partnering with political news agency Politico this year to conduct national polls about health and domestic policy.

Eight Key Takeaways from the Sexual Assault Prevention Report

Senior Crimson News writers parsed through the sexual assault prevention task force's final report to highlight eight key takeaways.

News Analysis: With New Position, Harvard Continues to Centralize Sexual Assault Resources

As Harvard grapples with the pernicious issue of sexual assault on campus, its efforts have echoed a greater institutional shift in recent decades. Instead of the so-called “Every Tub on Its Own Bottom” model, where every individual school operates mostly autonomously, Harvard has increasingly embraced a “One University” structure, locating resources in and crafting policies from its central administration.

The Back of the UC Ballot

If they garner enough support, questions that ask students to vote on measures that are far from actionable—even joke questions—can make it to the voting box.

‘Harvard Has Forced Our Hand,’ Fox Club Letter Says

The Fox’s thinking, detailed by its undergraduate leaders in a letter to club graduates courting their support, seems to have evolved over at least the last year but accelerated this fall.

Honor Code Could Prompt Talk of Students’ Roles in Discipline

Administrators acknowledge that a question that logically follows the honor code’s introduction is whether Harvard will move to expand students’ role in disciplinary procedures later on.

Details Still Uncertain, SEAS Delays Move to Allston

The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences has delayed its relocation to Allston to 2020, and details of which offices will move remain in flux.

Admissions Officers Prepare for Questions on Sexual Assault

Since the results of a nationwide sexual conduct climate survey were released last Monday, the Admissions Office has been weighing the best way to discuss the survey’s findings with applicants and their parents.

After Survey, Determined Faust Promises Conversation and Seeks Change

“We have a huge amount of work to do and we need to change this culture and these kinds of realities," University President Drew G. Faust told a packed lecture hall on Monday.

Overall Target in Reach, Smaller Campaign Goals Remain

An internal report shows that some fundraising areas in the Harvard Campaign still have a ways to go, even as it approaches its overall $6.5 billion goal.

Spee Story Hits Hot Topics in Public Discourse, Reporters Say

According to reporters covering the Spee Club's decision to invite women to punch, the story encapsulated trending issues of gender equality, fraternities, and sexual assault.

Amid Volatility, Experts Say Management Company Should Hold Course

​Finance experts say that despite both domestic and international market volatility, the Harvard Management Company should stay its course and not make drastic changes to investment portfolio.

Facing Admissions Scrutiny, Harvard Has Much at Stake

Harvard faces mounting scrutiny into an aspect of its admission process that administrators have long held is central to fostering campus diversity.

With Honor Code, College Looks To Turn a New Page

The new honor code that College administrators are touting as a cornerstone of students’ education comes three years after the Government 1310 cheating scandal.

Harvard Can't Fully Prevent Future Cyber Attacks, Experts Say

According to experts in cyber security, there may be nothing that Harvard and institutions like it can do to fully protect themselves from future attacks from hackers.

'Timely' Gift Will Lend SEAS Momentum in Era of Transition

​The record $400 million donation from hedge fund magnate John A. Paulson that renamed the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences comes during a transitional phase of a school whose enrollment has fast outgrown its resources.

Among Harvard’s Faculty, ‘Women Are Still Pioneers’

Though the environment for women faculty at Harvard has improved over the past 20 years, many say that there is still room for improvement.

Harvard Faculty Donate to Democrats by Wide Margin

Eighty-four percent of campaign contributions made by a group of 614 Harvard faculty, instructors, and researchers between 2011 and the third quarter of 2014 went to federal Democratic campaigns and political action committees.

Harvard Leaders Stay Quiet on Divest, Even During 'Heat Week'

Protesters from the environmental activist group Divest Harvard have done their very best to get administrators’ attention this week.

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