
On Lamont’s 75th Anniversary, Librarians Reflect on ‘Microcosm’ of Campus History

Situated in the southeast corner of Harvard Yard, Lamont — which celebrated its 75th anniversary last month — holds the Harvard Library’s main undergraduate collection for the humanities and social sciences. It was constructed in 1949, funded by a donation from 1892 alumnus Thomas W. Lamont.

Historic Bow & Arrow Press Will Move to Lamont Library Following Adams House Eviction

Bow & Arrow will be run by Houghton Library’s Printing and Graphic Arts department, though the library has not yet announced a timeline for when operations will begin.

Harvard Plans To Renovate 4 Major Libraries Ahead of 400th Anniversary

Martha Whitehead, vice president of the Harvard Library, announced plans to renovate the four major libraries in Harvard Yard — Widener, Lamont, Pusey, and Houghton — during a faculty meeting last week.

Harvard Fine Arts Library May Move to Lamont Library, Feasibility Study Suggests

Harvard is considering moving its Fine Arts Library into Lamont Library from Littauer Center, a change that would dedicate significant space in the historically undergraduate library to materials on arts and architecture.

Flyby Tries: Sleepover in Lamont Library

To answer the question every Harvard student wants to know: Is Lamont better than Cabot? The answer: yes! If you’re looking for a place to study until the sun rises, Lamont is the place for you. The couches are comfy (so you don’t need a sleeping bag or pillows to stay cozy), the lighting creates an ambiance, and there will always be another mysterious room for you to explore.

Lamonster Mash

In Lamont Library, students trick-or-treated and made dolls out of yarn, glue, and other crafting materials.

Lamont Library

Lamont Library, a place some call their home away from home.

Woodberry Room 2

The Woodberry Poetry Room is on the third floor of Lamont Library.

Lamont Forum Room

The Committee on Student Life discussed the SEAS move to Allston and changes to the Kirkland House seal at its monthly on Thursday in the Lamont Forum Room.


The Committee on Student Life meets in the Lamont Library Forum Room at 8 a.m. once each month.

Harvard Converting Fourth Floor of Lamont Library Into Creative Writing Space

The fourth floor of Lamont Library is currently halfway through renovations and is on-track to reopen by the start of the spring 2019 term.

Lamont Fourth Floor Construction

A worker takes a walk at the Lamont construction site.

Construction on Lamont

The fourth floor of Lamont Library is undergoing construction.

The View From Lamont

Thursday's bright spring weather is reflected in Lamont Library's front windows, where many students spent the day inside studying for finals.

Employee Planned Show Containing Anti-Semitism, Nudity in Harvard Workplace During Work Hours

Harvard employee Eric Clopper filmed promotional videos and planned his controversial one-man performance during work hours and in his workplace, the Language Resource Center in Lamont Library.

For Reading Period, Lamont Adjusts Weekend Hours

Some libraries on campus are changing their hours and accessibility to accommodate the deluge of cranky students cramming at the last minute before their exams.

Lamont girl

We've all been there—and "there" is a Lamcaf, with a paper that you don't want to do.

Lamont Bag Check

A Harvard affiliate leaves Lamont Library with her bag unchecked.

Beyond the Bag Checkers

No longer must we suffer the indignity of opening both our laptop case and every single pocket on our backpack—even the small one where we keep our gum or phone charger.

Harvard Ends Bag Checks at Lamont Library

This is a BFD: Lamont has eliminated the bag-check system.

FM Imagines: Harvard Yard of Broken Dreams

Welcome to the dream journal of a sleep-deprived freshman. She may or may not wake up in Lamont more often than she does in her own dorm room.

Drop Lamont, Study Better

Studying in your room is impossible when you have a bed right there calling your name. And stop lying to yourself—you’re not getting any work done in Lamont Cafe. So, as finals season creeps toward us, scope out some of these alternative study spaces.

An Open Letter to Our Favorite Lamonster

We all have that one friend who has buried themselves in Lamont during reading period. We're starting to get worried about ours...

Lamont Reserves

Employees work in the Lamont Library reserves.

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