
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Presides Over Ames Moot Court Final at Harvard Law School

Harvard Law School students convened before United States Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on Nov. 15 to argue a mock appellate case on administrative law for the finals of the school’s annual Ames Moot Court Competition.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan Judges Moot Court Competition at Harvard Law

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan preside over the final round of the Law School’s annual Ames Moot Court Competition Tuesday night.

Harvard Business School Names Winners of New Venture Competition

Eight teams across three categories — student business, social enterprise, and alumni — were awarded a total of $325,000 in prize money Tuesday through Harvard Business School’s annual New Venture Competition.

Lieber and pumpkin

Professor Charles Lieber with his winning pumpkin.

Lieber pumpkins

Pumpkins outside the Lieber residence

Summer in Boston 2014

A collection of photographs of life in and around Boston made by Crimson photographers during the summer of 2014.

Sand Sculpting

A sand castle stands at the annual Revere Beach National Sand Sculpting Festival, which lasted from July 18th to July 20th. The Festival attracted a wide variety of locals and tourists throughout the weekend.

Sand Statue

A sculpture stands at the annual Revere Beach National Sand Sculpting Festival, which lasted from July 18th to July 20th. Sculptors had a total of 24 hours to complete their pieces.

For First Time in 20 Years, A Harvard Duo Captures World Debate Crown

Ben D. Sprung-Keyser ’15 and Joshua P. Zoffer ’14 emerged victorious in the 34th World Universities Debating Championship last week.

World Debate Champions

Ben D. Sprung-Keyser '15, left, and Joshua P. Zoffer ’14, right, won the 34th World Universities Debating Championship in Chennai, India in early January.

Harvard Prefrosh Declare War on MIT Counterparts

They weren’t on campus to partake in the Great House War of 2012, but members of the Harvard Class of 2017 have already declared a war of their own with their prefrosh counterparts at MIT following an online prank.

myLINGO App Syncs Non-English Dubs in Real Time

Because of the work done by Olenka M. Polak ’15, non-English speakers will be able to go to the movie theater and enjoy blockbusters in their native tongues.

Harvard Places First In Putnam Math Competition

Harvard placed first in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, which is often considered the most prestigious annual college-level math competition in the world, the Mathematical Association of America announced last week.

Student Art Competition Launched for Radcliffe Yard Garden

The Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study has launched an annual University-wide art competition allowing students to solicit proposals and designs for an installation to be displayed in the garden bordering Brattle Street in the Radcliffe Yard.

Crowdsourcing the Blizzard

Whether this weekend's snowstorm turns out to be an historic blizzard of epic proportions or a meteorological letdown, we at Flyby are ready to make the most of it. While some of us have one foot out the door to line up at Burdick's, others will likely find themselves holed up indoors for a good part of this frosty weekend. That could get pretty boring. So whatever you're up to this weekend, whether inside or outside, warm or cold, we'd like to see it. What better way to enjoy a blizzard than to participate in a photo contest? You won't be in class, you won't be at Freshman Formal, and you won't be doing your reading, but chances are you will be Instagram-ing, and maybe even tweeting.


We asked Harvard students, their families, and friends to share their Instagram photos with us this holiday weekend by using the hashtag #flybythanksgiving.

—Delphine Rodrik '14, Associate Magazine Editor

"...For my singing aunts, and lots of food :)"—Joseph R. Botros '15

"Fall flowers are essential"—Megan B. Prasad '15, Crimson Staff Writer

"Love this place!"—Pennilynn R. Stahl '15

"Swiping"—Ruth D. Kagan '15, Crimson Designer

"Thanksgiving 2012 in Weld 25, home away from home."—Mai T. Nguyen '16

"Nothing like being back on snow."—Danielle L. Lussi '14, Crimson Photographer

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