Archives → 1980 → 10/25
- Trouble in Scotland
- A Question of Intent
- Klitgaard and HDNS
- Power Plant Stalls Again
- Making Research Pay
- Three Horns of the Presidential Dilemma
- The Gene-Splicers Return
- Carter's People
- Iraqi Forces Capture Khorramshahr
- UPenn Selects President Amid Controversy
- Student Remains in Unification Church After Forced 'Deprogramming' Attempt
- Panel Raps Stanford Grade Averages
- UCLA to Investigate Geneticist
- Amherst Paper Resumes Publication
- Committee to Screen X-Rated Films
- Cemetery Fence
- Japanese Economy
- Police Officer Shot
- In the Eye of the Storm
- A Field Day
- The Sports Cube Predicts
- Princeton, Yale, Run Past Harriers
- Tiger Booters Nip Crimson Eleven, 2-0
- Scoreboard