Archives → 1946 → 9/28
- Formal Football Returns With Husky Clash
- 'Undemocratic' Nominations Plan Blasted by Revisionists
- Germanic Museum Again Open After Wartime Use by Army
- Hu Flung Huey Flings 'Em
- Council Offers Scholarships to Those Unable to Pay Term Bill
- Noted Oxford Scholar Will Lecture Monday
- PBH Teas Give Chance for Sober Evaluation of New 'Cliffedwellers
- Martin's Record Called Disgrace By Woman Foe
- An Ounce of Prevention . . .
- The Moviegoer
- The Mail
- Booters Come From Behind To Tie Worcester Tech, 5-5
- Baseball Scores
- Thumbnail Sketches Of Crimson Gridmen In Season's Opener
- Lamar Is Pleased With First Frosh Grid Scrimmage
- Farnsworth Room Reopened