Tick Tick - “tick, tick...Boom!” premiered on Thursday evening in the Adams Pool Theater with a three-person cast of Karl C. Kopczynski ’15 who plays Michael, Adam J. Connor ’14, a Crimson advertising manager, who plays Jon, and Kim Onah ’15 who plays Susan. By Katharine R. Putnam
Tick Tick - Connor sings a solo, “Johnny Can’t Decide,” in the second night of the performance. By Katharine R. Putnam
- Adam J. Connor '14 and Karl C. Kopczynski '15 perform a duet in Friday night's showing of "tick, tick...Boom!" in Adams Pool Theatre. By Katharine R Putnam
Tick Tock Onah - Kim Onah, '15 sings a seductive song, “Green Green Dress,” as a duet with Connor. The song captures the passion in Jon and Susan’s relationship and serves as a momentary glimpse into their emotions without the surrounding pressures of everyday life. By Katharine R. Putnam
Tick Tick - “tick, tick...Boom!” premiered on Thursday evening in the Adams Pool Theater with a three-person cast of Karl C. Kopczynski ’15 who plays Michael, Adam J. Connor ’14, a Crimson advertising manager, who plays Jon, and Kim Onah ’15 who plays Susan. By Katharine R. Putnam
- Freshman Karl C. Kopczynski, left, and Adam J. Connor ‘14 perform a duet in Friday night’s performance of “tick, tick...Boom!,” a witty musical which ran in Adams Pool Theatre. By Katharine R. Putnam
Tick Tick - “tick, tick...Boom!” premiered on Thursday evening in the Adams Pool Theater with a three-person cast of Karl C. Kopczynski ’15 who plays Michael, Adam J. Connor ’14, a Crimson advertising manager, who plays Jon, and Kim Onah ’15 who plays Susan. By Katharine R. Putnam
“tick, tick...Boom!” premiered on Thursday, February 23 in the Adams Pool Theater with a three-person cast of Karl C. Kopczynski ’15 who played the role of Michael, Adam J. Connor ’14, a Crimson advertising manager, who played Jon, and Kim Onah ’15 who was the role of Susan.