A Case for Renaming FlyBy


When I meet new people at Harvard, I always dread the inevitable exchange of Harvard Intros. Sure, I would love to hear about someone’s dorm (even though it is inferior to my beloved Apley Court), their concentration (that they will end up changing), and the laundry list of clubs they are in. I will admit, the Harvard Intro is not all terrible — it helps me on my quest to meet someone from every freshman dorm! (Somehow I have still never met anyone from Mass Hall or Lionel — does anyone even live there?) However, the one thing I truly despise when meeting new people is telling them what clubs I am in. No, I am not ashamed of the extracurriculars that supersede my classes, but rather, having to explain my favorite — writing for Flyby — is always a laborious task.

When I tell people I write for Flyby, I am always met with the same response: “You write for…the meal service? Like, do you write the menus out?” Every. Single. Time. I take deep pride in my Flyby work, meaning I will never stop telling people about it. So, consider this my formal request for HUDS to change FlyBy’s name. The only distinction between The Harvard Crimson’s blog and HUDS’ takeaway meal service as it stands now is capitalization: Flyby vs. FlyBy. All of you lovely Flyby readers know who deserves the name, so here are a few ideas HUDS could consider adopting:


This option was the first I thought of, and I think it works perfectly. It's simple, funny, and makes clear what the service offers through the name: a meal for when you are in a hurry. Considering how busy the average Harvard student is — I never see anyone NOT in a hurry — this change in branding might increase to-go meal participation!

HUDS Express

HUDS Express is a sleek and simple name for FlyBy, not doing too much but also providing a little pizzazz. Considering how valuable time is here, HUDS advertising their to-go option as an express service would be perfect! Plus, maybe the ridiculously long lines at FlyBy that make me late to class every Wednesday could finally be a thing of the past. (I’m manifesting it.)


This is easily the funniest on the list; Harvard has the power to normalize us saying some ludicrous name, like VeriFly, and it should abuse it. This name may sound better as some sort of fashion tech start-up (CS students, get on this). But Harvard loves their motto of truth, so why not combine it with their to-go meals? Plus, VeriFly is just a funny name to say; try it.


VeriQuick is better oriented for a to-go meal service, you get the best of both worlds: advertisement of the intellectual vitality movement and promotion of a quick meal service. How could a Harvard student resist?

HUDS n’ Go

A solid play on grab-and-go — staying true to what the service offers — while also using the HUDS name to Harvard-ify it. Not much else to say: it’s catchy!

Grab & Go

The antonym to “HUDS n’ Go,” Grab & Go keeps it real, simple, and makes it abundantly clear what the service is. Harvard’s aim should be to rename it to something that makes more sense; it does not need to be complicated.

These are just a few of the numerous possible names HUDS could change to. One thing is for sure: FlyBy has taken our name for too long. It is time for change, and we here at Flyby all know where the change needs to take place. One service provides daily comedy and useful information to their readers (us) and the other makes you late for class when you just need a snack. Don’t get me wrong; I love tolerate HUDS, but that does not mean they cannot work with us and end the confusion once and for all.

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