So... What Are You Doing This Summer?

It’s April and by now, it should be hard to get through more than a few days without someone asking you what you’re doing this summer or where you’ll be this May, June, July and August. Are you studying abroad? Working for a startup? Taking summer classes? Doing research, shadowing, and volunteering this summer? Oh wait, I got it — it’s your consulting era. Doesn’t matter. Sometimes, no matter what you say, nothing really feels like the *perfect* answer to the dreaded question… So, what are you doing this summer?
Here are five excellent and honest ways to respond to this inescapable question, that may happen to be the most common responses you’ll hear on campus:
The Overcommitted and Unaware Student
That’s a great question. I’m so glad you asked. I am working at five internships simultaneously at the U.N., McKinsey, Moderna and the CDC all of which are full-time but I’m doing part-time (they don’t know that I’m full of shit, overcommitted, and drowning in work, but now you do).
The Study Abroad FOMO Disease Spreader
I’m actually doing an internship abroad! In Europe! It’s been my lifelong dream to travel outside of North America and now I’m doing it. When I come back to campus, I’ll make sure to spend the first three months showing everyone all the unique cities I’ve been to — Paris, London, and Rome. Does my boss know I don’t speak French? I do speak French! At elementary proficiency…
I’m a Proud Nepo Baby
This summer? Hmmm… I guess it’s time to call my uncle. You know, the one that works at McKinsey’s New York City branch, so I can get this job fair and square. With my 4.0 GPA and my out-of-this-world confidence in advising major companies definitely not gained solely from my experience working with certain campus consulting clubs — I’ll get a job in no time.
I’m Broke but It’s New York City
NEW YORK CITY is the greatest city in the whole wide world. I’ll be there all summer! Have I found an affordable place to live? Nope. Have I found any place to live? Nope. I’m sure my summer stipend will cover the cost of housing. Meals are another story… but the sights! There is so much to see in the city and with public transportation, everything will be so affordable. (not.)
I May Be Doing Nothing But I Can’t Tell You That
This summer, I will be in the comfort of my hometown, hanging out with friends from high school. You know, I love investing in my long-term friendships and local community. I’ll be working from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on some personal projects and in the evenings, I’ll spend quality time with my family. It’s really an ideal summer situation (lowkey, this may be 100 percent the ideal living situation).
None of these are relatable? Think again or ask a friend to call you out. If you genuinely cannot relate to any of these and are simply ~not like other Harvard students~, we applaud your individualism. Regardless of your certified summer plan red flag, flyby wishes you all a fulfilling summer experience and hope you make the most of this break!