Here’s to Flyby in 2024

Hello our flovely readers,
Are we perhaps using this piece as our unofficial official closeout to Flyby Blog’s readership? Maybe… But who’s going to stop us? (Potentially the managing editor, BLK, but he’s been a real one all year so if you’re reading this, he has once again pulled through and made Flyby Blog proud.)
It’s crazy to think that we’ve survived spent a year in chairship — and what a year it’s been. As a blog, our content has grown so much. But more importantly, our community has also grown larger and closer together, and there’s nothing else in the world we would trade our flyfam for — and yes, that includes not even all the Trader Joe’s snacks for all of eternity.
We both feel extremely fortunate and lucky to have led as Blog Chairs this year, and we couldn’t have done it without our infinitely talented and amazing board members, editors, and writers. Without all your hard work, how else would Flyby be a finalist for ACP - 2023 Multimedia Story of the Year: Blog? Give yourself all a round of applause and take a bow; there’s so much flove to go around.
As we look forward into 2024, we’re so excited to see what the next year has in store. Asides from our hope for Harvard’s resolutions for the new year, we’re also manifesting a lot for the future of Flyby.
Firstly, we’re so thrilled to hand off the torch to the next Blog Chairs, ESJ and HRO, as well as to the rest of the incoming Blog masthead. Especially over the past year, we have seen you all improve so much as both writers and editors, and you have all brought so much character to this blog. We couldn’t be more confident in all of you to continue Flyby’s legacy and its reputation of chaos and fun.
Secondly, as our incoming managing editor MJH says best — Flyby Blog is public service journalism at its finest. Just this year, we’ve published a few essential how-to guides. We wrote a few odes, interviewed our classmates and even a founder of our new local coffee shop. In 2024, we’ll be back bigger than ever, ready to combat all the hard-hitting journalism that is expected of us. Should we rank the sidewalks of Harvard’s campus? Need us to try the new Van Leeuwen Ice Cream shop coming to the Square? Have a question for our Dear Flyby advice column? We’re here for you.
Thirdly, we’re just hoping for ~good vibes~ for this next year — for Flyby, for The Crimson, for everyone. Whatever happens, we trust it’ll be amazing. And we’ll be watching proudly (and well-rested) from lovely dinoland.
We could go on and on about what we’re hoping for 2024, so we won’t — at least not for this piece. But before we end, we want to send one last shout-out to show our appreciation for the people that make this all possible: you. Our readers, every single last one, all 14,426 subscribers of Harvard Today — from our fellow writers to our classmates’ grandparents to prospective students to my mentor studying abroad in Oxford. You guys are the reason why Flyby Blog was able to grow from a side hobby in 2008 to the fully-fledged board of the Harvard Crimson that we are today. For that, thank you, and we hope that you’ll keep reading us in 2024 — and beyond.
Flove (always),
TC & HR (the duo known as HT)