Silver Linings for Your Virtual Shopping Week

The past few months have taught us lots about gratitude, especially that it’s important to recognize the silver linings of each and every moment. For real. Your local grocery store ran out of toilet paper? Don’t fret. Make a trip to the second closest grocery store and call it an “adventure.” Shopping week is virtual? Don’t worry — we’ve got you covered with some ways to recognize the hidden Zoom ~blessings~ that surround us all.
You can’t feel guilty about leaving a shopping period class when it’s not in-person. The pang of guilt inside your stomach as you leave the crowded Science Center B during shopping week is no longer a worry when clicking “Leave Meeting” takes approximately 0.5 seconds. No one will notice (?), and even if someone does, you can go right back to finishing that episode of Grey’s Anatomy to distract yourself from worry.
Find your corona cutie. If those Facebook groups you joined circa March didn’t leave you with your sought-after corona cutie, use Zoom shopping week to finally find your Harvard match. Cuffing season no longer begins when the weather becomes groggy in Cambridge. Cuffing season begins here and now in the preview for the GenEd we know you won’t end up taking. We promise we can’t see you scrolling through the many Zoom screens to finally find the “one” (or maybe someone can, we don’t really know).
Shop while shopping. Literally. Get yourself in the mood for shopping week by shopping a course while simultaneously going online shopping. Nothing says Zoom college 2020 quite like that new pair of sweatpants you’ll wear every. single. day.
You’ll actually know what you’re getting yourself into. Course sites have been live for some time now and we’ve had lots of time on our hands to actually read the course syllabi. Unlike those regular shopping periods when shopping = going to the courses that friends go to, shopping period now is a completely personal experience. Read about those courses and shop what you want to shop!
Though in-person shopping week will be missed, virtual shopping week also comes with its pros. Now, shop ‘til you drop (or until you’re hungry for lunch, your Netflix screen asks if you’re still watching, or you take your 1000000th nap of the day).