Wale and Lil Yachty to Headline Yardfest

Just tonight, following the Battle for Yardfest in Sanders Theater, the CEB announced this year’s Yardfest headliners: Wale and Lil Yachty.
The D.C. native and the “bubblegum trap” god will surely put on a good outdoor show, which we’ll all be “Chillin” at. The CEB’s pick of two well-known rap artists is welcome after two years of EDM, and er...Jessie J.
I’m personally overjoyed, having worshipped the Wale poster in my room since the seventh grade, and also having endured my dad’s purposeful mispronunciations of his name as “Whale” since then. (For those of you who aren’t hip, Wale is pronounced Wah-lay. And for those whose primary exposure to rap music is at final club parties, you know him from his “Look ma, no hands” verse. As for Lil Yachty, he’s the guy on “Broccoli”’s opening verse, and he also had a verse on “iSpy.”)
While Wale has been a big name for a decade, Lil Yachty, at only 20 years old, is up-and-coming. Before his music career seriously launched, Yachty modeled Yeezy’s Yeezy line at Madison Square Garden, and he originally hails from Atlanta. His features on the aforementioned frat playlist tracks skyrocketed him to fame, and he recently released his second album, creatively titled Lil Boat 2 (the follow up to Lil Boat).
So if you still got your Nike Boots, and a gold grill lying around, break them out in time for April 13th.