A Compilation of Harvard Athletics' Bribes

It’s no surprise that most Harvard students aren’t big on school spirit and attending sports games—there’s a reason Harvard-Yale is the only day we’re #HarvardState. Here’s a lineup of some of the stuff Harvard Athletics has tried to bribe us with to show up and support Varsity sports.
Three t-shirts
Yes, you read that right. Three T-shirts. Who would give out only one when you can instead give out three? We suppose they had to raise the stakes at some point, but to be fair, it was also to go watch squash.
Fanny packs
We're not shocked that they're back in style (so convenient and fun!), but we are shocked that Harvard Athletics is onto the trend. If you dragged yourself all the way over to Lavietes Pavilion to see women’s basketball, you could be sporting a new Harvard fanny pack.
See, now they’ve caught on. They’ve realized that the only thing college kids really value besides sleep is food. Free pizza and burritos are definitely dubs when you’ve exhausted your ability to eat HUDS.
Reward points and prizes
Harvard Athletics has an app, CrimZone Rewards, which allows students to check into games, rack up points for attending, and ultimately win prizes. There’s a blow-up couch and a polaroid camera on there, so you had better believe we’re also checking into the hockey game and tennis match when we go to watch basketball—you can never have too much furniture.
All we have to say is: Do less, Harvard Athletics.