"IVY," Wherefore Art Thou?

Now that we’re well-adjusted to spring semester—the third Monday has passed, two minor snowstorms have hit, and Beyoncé has just dropped another single sure to distract from any productivity—it’s a perfect moment reflect on the days of yesteryear. Ah, better days… The times when Dean Pfister sent emails on the regular about various fungi, or when the idea of changes to the system of Gen Ed was only a pipe dream. And, of course, the times when we eagerly awaited the next episode of “IVY.”
If you have been too busy actually paying attention in class or are just too young to remember, “IVY” was a look into the lives of five sophomores trying to navigate their lives at Harvard. It was “the first web series fully committed to detailing the intricacies and hilarity of the Ivy League undergraduate experience.”
And it had all one needed. Angst. Some artsy stares. And then more angst. But sadly, the last update of the Flyby acclaimed, short-lived series was its second episode, released December 21, 2014. And we still have questions: Are Harley and that guy still consciously coupling? Did anyone else threw up in the mouth of someone they were making out with? Was “IVY” ultimately better than “Absent,” which is also absent? Has anyone really gotten their stuff together? #probablynot.
It’s probable that we will never get a new update in the series. But nonetheless, we pray for its return. Having “IVY meant having more things to watch when you have binged everything on Netflix. It meant recognizing someone you met at a party or in section as a scene extra. Above all, it meant acknowledging the wonderful creative talents (and angst) of our Harvard peers.
Goodbye Ivy, we hardly knew thee.
[end scene]