Get Ready For A Dating App Without Gross Non-Ivy League Singles

For those unimpressed by the college diplomas of their Tinder matches and looking for a new way to “date intelligently”, check out an app created by a Stanford business school grad: The League. The League is open only to the crème de la crème of singles on the market: “You’re smart, good-looking & successful. You don’t need a dating app to get a date—you’re too popular as it is. But you should join The League,” the app’s website reads.
Promising an “advanced screening algorithm to keep our community well-balanced and high-quality,” The League requires the elites (elitists?) to submit their Facebook and LinkedIn profiles in order to join. Yes, potential users must provide evidence of worthy personal and professional lives. The app promises “no fakes” and “no randoms”: “You’ll never have to wonder if that Harvard hottie is too good to be true on The League.” Phew, what a relief.
Interested in joining? The app will launch first in San Francisco, and then expand to other cities, if enough people are looking to #getmeofftinder (the hashtag featured on the app’s social media pages). Cambridge anxiously awaits.