The Best of Harvard on Colbert

Stephen Colbert will be taking over the Late Show when David Letterman retires, which means only one thing: more publicity for Harvard. Colbert’s secret yearning to attend Harvard College remains alive and well, manifesting itself as a bit of an obsession. Here are some highlights of the times he’s mentioned his dream school on "The Colbert Report":
1. Walmart is harder to get into than Harvard (December 10, 2013)
It came as a surprise to many Americans as Colbert alerted the public that the acceptance rate for Walmart employees is lower than Harvard's. It turns out Walmart’s common app essay isn’t optional.
2. Professor Daniel Lieberman chats about booties (May 17, 2013)
Baby, apparently, got back. Professor Daniel Lieberman, barefoot running expert, discusses the unique features of the human body, one of which being Colbert's "big, incredible butt," that make us great runners. Sir Mix-a-lot would be proud.
3. Gilbert Offers Colbert a Job (June 27, 2007)
Daniel Gilbert, professor of psychology, concludes that Colbert could teach at Harvard. If he would just show up 5 times a semester, he’d have a better track record than a certain Ec10 professor. Colbert already has his own textbook anyways.
4. David Keith Temporarily Saves the World (December 9, 2013)
Pssst.. Al Gore, the truth isn’t always inconvenient. Harvard scientist David Keith claims spraying sulfuric acid into the atmosphere could temporarily stop global warming on "The Colbert Report". That sounds like a healthy plan, right?
5. May the Odds Be Ever in Sandel’s Favor (July 20, 2011)
Together, Professor Michael J. Sandel and Colbert grapple with the idea of fairness in terms of politics, ethics, and ultimately, cannibalism. Let the hunger games begin.