Harvard Today: February 26, 2014

It’s Wednesday, which means that you’re halfway through the week! In light of midterms to study for and papers to write, gauge your level of desperation by seeing how many of the choices below you’d rather be doing right now than homework:
Gorging on a party-sized bag of chips and watching re-runs of your favorite TV show series
Doing your laundry
Skyping with your distant relatives
Messaging random people on your Facebook chat list and making awkward small talk
Going to the gym and actually working out (not just watching free cable channels on the elliptical)

If you’re suffering from withdrawal symptoms from last weekend’s weather, looks like today won’t help you at all! The high is 29 degrees and snow showers start early on in the day.
Chicken Tikka Masala
Crispy Swai Fish Sandwich
Whole Wheat Penne with Wild Mushroom Ragout
Roast Beef
Baked Rigatoni with Mozzarella
Brown Rice Pancakes
Apple Crisp (fingers crossed that HUDS actually means it this time….)
On Flyby:
8 Ways that Successful People Maximize Midterm Success: Figure out how to ace your midterms in style!
On Arts:
Taking Notes: “Sampling can be made to benefit all parties involved if the legal system is willing to reexamine itself. And the consensus seems to be that it should—the creativity and artistry that sampling spawns are worth it.”
The Harvard Physics Department is holding a career event titled Startups, Industrial Labs, and Transforming Machine Intelligence through the Physics of Stochastic Computation tomorrow from 12 to 1:30 p.m. at 17 Oxford Street. There’s also free pizza! RSVP here.
The OCS is holding an information session on Harvard Business School’s 2+2 program today from 4 to 5 p.m. in Room 201 of Harvard Hall. Register for this event through Crimson Careers.
The Harvard Museum of Natural History is having a free lecture tonight from 6 to 7 p.m. called Building Earth-like Planets at the Geological Lecture Hall on 24 Oxford Street.
The Democratic candidates for Massachusetts governor met at the Institute of Politics on Tuesday evening for a discussion moderated by Harvard College Democrats President Daniel Ki ‘15.