Juicebox: Drinks and Tunes for Midterm Season

Ladies and gentlemen, claim your study spots quickly because it’s midterm time, and Lamont is about to become more densely populated than Border Café on a Friday night. However, when you’re done pregaming (for LS1a, that is) and you’re looking to trade that math proof for some 100 proof, Flyby has got you covered. Here are a few cocktail/music combinations to accompany your “studying.”
1st Hour:
Bloody Study Buddy
2 oz vodka
4 oz of tomato juice
1/2 tsp Tabasco sauce
dash of blood and sweat
celery for garnish
Getting started is half the battle. Motivate yourself to begin reviewing with this studious twist on a classic. With a healthy serving of fruit, vegetables, and vodka, this is the drink that keeps on giving. So what if the librarian is giving you dirty looks? He or she is probably just mad jealous. You're getting the necessary nutrients to knock those midterms out of the park!
Jukebox Jam:
Let’s Go Study - Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa
Let’s be honest, who wouldn’t want Snoop Dogg (Lion?) as a life coach? Listen to him and Wiz Khalifa croon encouragements, and inspire you to hit the books and knock back this next drink.
11th Hour:
Vodka Cramberry
1 oz vodka
4.5 oz cranberry juice
The rest of your adderall prescription
Stress tears to taste
It’s crunch time and this drink takes an OG cocktail to the next level. Swap the juice with Four Loko to give your beverage an extra caffeine kick and counteract the impending sugar crash. Why is your heart beating so fast, you ask? Well unless supply and demand curves get you hot and bothered, it’s most likely the addie.
Jukebox Jam:
I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
At this point, I’m sure there are a lot of things you want to get better at—Econ, drawing amino acid structures, holding your liquor, whatever. This song will inspire you to do all three. And maybe get around to actually studying.
JĂĄegerbombed Exam
4 oz Red Bull
1 Shot of Jagermeister
1/2 oz regret
1/2 oz indifference
If you’re starting to think that skipping your review session to get hammered in your room wasn’t the best idea, you may be on to something. However, with Red Bull to restore your mojo and a shot of Jager to ease your worries about your future (or lack thereof), this spicy cocktail will have you feeling better in no time.
Jukebox Jam:
Survivor - Destiny’s Child
Rejoice, you’re done with midterms! As Beyoncé would say: now that they’re out of your life, you’re so much better. Congrats, survivor, you made it. If you’re feeling adventurous, keep turning up.