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Froyo Throwdown: A Case for Ben and Jerry’s

Old Glory, or at least a close equivalent, flies atop a mound of Ben and Jerry's Greek frozen yogurt.
Old Glory, or at least a close equivalent, flies atop a mound of Ben and Jerry's Greek frozen yogurt.

In a series of reviews, members of The Crimson's summer staff are making a case for the best froyo in the Square. We reviewed Pinkberry yesterday. Now up: Ben and Jerry's.

The American patriot Patrick Henry once said, “Give me Ben and Jerry's, or give me death.” Or at least he probably would have, had he ever been given the opportunity to taste the frozen deliciousness that Ben and Jerry’s has to offer.

While another Crimson editor may make borderline blasphemous claims about the patriotism of another frozen yogurt vendor, it is undoubtedly true that Ben and Jerry’s is the most American creamery in Harvard Square. It was begun by two true visionaries (Ben and Jerry, in case it wasn't clear) right here in New England, just like the revolution that led to the creation of this great country.

But Ben and Jerry'sconveniently located in the The Garage, mere steps outside the Yard, and a very short walk from most of the Housesis so much more than a shining beacon of liberty and independence. It is a one-of-a-kind institution that has successfully mastered the fine and precise art of ice cream making—and more recently, of frozen yogurt making.

A relatively recent addition to the Ben and Jerry’s menu is four flavors of Greek frozen yogurt, all of which are more delicious than any other froyo you can buy in the Square. I personally recommend the store’s raspberry fudge chunk flavor, a thick, creamy, and slow-melting concoction that perfectly mixes the tangy, fruity flavor of raspberries with the rich, sweet flavor of chocolate.

But how can a vendor that sells only Greek frozen yogurt truly be American, you ask? To which I say: we are a nation of immigrants and their descendents, a melting pot that places diversity among its most cherished values.

Another thing we value in this great nation is opportunity. Not in the mood for frozen yogurt, you say? What makes Ben and Jerry's the great American institution we know it to be is the vast number of choices it offers its patrons. Try one of the store’s 25 ice cream flavors and 3 non-fat sorbets, each with a quirky name and many with the chunks of this or swirls of that by which Ben and Jerry’s has earned its deserved reputation. Are you someone who believes that eating ice cream with a spoon is an activity that requires too much time and effort? Never fear: Ben and Jerry’s offers blended shakes as well, for your convenience.

At first glance, Ben and Jerry’s menu items might seem a bit pricy. However, like a true American business, the fair quantity and incredible quality of its offerings ensure that you will definitely get the bang for your buck.

Another famous American, Stephen Colbert (who has a Ben and Jerry’s flavor named after him), once facetiously asked that we not think about the truth with our heads, but rather feel it with our hearts. I implore you to go one step further and taste the truth with your taste buds.

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