Befriending Your TF

Classes might end tomorrow, but you don't have to say goodbye to your favorite TF just yet. Building a friendship with a great TF can be exciting and rewarding, and—yes, this is cyincal—may even help you maintain that 3.7 GPA from your freshman fall.
Here are Flyby's Four Easy Steps to Befriending a TF:
Step One: The first step is to find out your TF's actual academic interests. Your TF probably has several sections, and might stay up well into the night editing papers she is completely uninterested in. Show that you care about your TF as an individual, not just as the person who will ultimately determine your grade. Pay close attention whenever your TF talks about something he is particularly interested in.
Step Two: Learn about their personal lives. This part is tricky, Harvard. You have to tread carefully so as not to overstep your bounds, but starting with questions about your TF's experiences at college and graduate school is usually a good move.
Step Three: Meet outside of section. Office hours might be an obvious place to begin, but you should also find out where your TF prefers to do her work. Make plans to talk about the final there instead, or just keep showing up there until you achieve a "coincidental" run in with him.
Step Four: Forge a concrete connection. A personal email address, a cell phone number, a Facebook friend request—it all gets you closer to the goal. Keep in mind that you might have to delete those tweets from Saturday night (and definitely those mobile uploads from Yardfest).
Throughout the process, ask yourself the following questions:
Does your TF seem comfortable talking about things that veer away from the syllabus?
Are you coming on too strongly? Do NOT try to force this friendship if it is not reciprocated.
Is your TF overwhelmed by other factors? Events like graduations, marriages, pregnancies, or hangovers could really hinder your progress.
How much does your brown-nosing annoy other students in your section? Keep your budding friendship on the DL, and try not to be a suck-up. Don't make it obvious you are being that guy.