Adams House

Every day between now and Housing Day, Flyby will release two new House rankings. The top two Houses will be revealed on Wednesday, March 13. Check back daily for updates!
This year, Adams House seems to be pushing its dining hall and gold digs as its main perks. But as anyone who knows and loves this occasionally war-mongering House will tell you, there's a lot more to Adams than meets the eye. A perennial favorite, centrally-located Adams is the House of gargoyles, gilded walls, and a whole lot more (the list, as you'll see, goes on and on).
House Spirit: Adams residents have proven their fierce loyalty to their Gold Coast home time and again by being some of the most active players in Harvard's occasional House Wars. The Pfoho-Adams War of 1999 was so seismic that it earned a few lines of text on Wikipedia. And although Currier allegedly initiated the poll-tampering that sparked conflict in the 2012 Interhouse War, Adams was the first House to formally declare war.
When they're not signing treaties or mapping battle plans, students spend time bonding at the weekly event "Carpe Noctem," where they enjoy beer, pizza, and elaborately themed decorations.
Housing Quality: Adams House offers a variety of rooming options that leave most students very satisfied with their cribs. With most sophomores living in n housing, residents have a chance at snagging singles all three years. Like the rest of Adams House, the rooms are quintessentially Harvard, complete with dark wood accents and other pleasing, old school aesthetic touches. And while Claverly is located a bit farther from the rest of the House, the building retains some of its former Gold Coast swank, plus a floor set-up that makes it perfect for socializing.
Dining Hall: Few people have been known to complain about the looks of the Adams dining hall. Many more, however, have been heard complaining about the dining hall being overcrowded during lunch and dinner; despite restrictions, it seems that freshmen from the Yard and upperclassmen friends from the River (and beyond) still manage to sneak their way into the centrally-located facility. Residents of Pforzheimer House have also been allowed to eat in Adams since their victory in the Pfoho-Adams War of 1999. If the excess of Pfoho interlopers proves too much, however, the House has a small dining hall located off the main room where students can study and eat in a quieter environment.
Facilities: The majority of the House is connected by underground tunnels that bear colorful murals and images of Winnie the Pooh. Supposedly, there are courtyards, too, though Adams guards them from non-House residents. The House has a Gold Room that makes for a great picture to show friends back home. Students use the Pool Theater for theatrical productions and movie screenings. The House library is beautiful, open 24 hours a day, and restricted to Adams residents. And while Winthrop residents may boast that JFK (perhaps/probably) had some sexual escapades in their House, the future president worked on his senior thesis in the Coolidge Room in Adams' Randolph Hall; not quite as kinky, but still a great space to do work.
House Masters: Adams House is currently enjoying the Palfrey Era, which we're inclined to call the Golden Age. John G. "Sean" Palfrey '67 and Judith S. "Judy" Palfrey '67 are two of the best-loved House masters you'll find at Harvard. Not only do they know every House resident by name, they also invite students to study and munch on snacks at their residence every Sunday (and have been known to dress in drag at the Adams House Drag Night). And if all that isn't enough, has any other House master taken the time to compile a list that rivals Dr. Palfrey's "100 Things To Do in Adams"? We didn't think so.
Extra: A number of pretty cool people once lived in these hallowed halls (though some did so before the buildings were collectively known as Adams House). Notable former residents include the likes of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Class of 1904, actor Jack Lemmon '47, and Henry Kissinger '50 (who lived in Claverly). The Bow & Arrow Press holds weekly open houses that allow students a chance to hang out and print posters, invitations, and cards. Black tie readings of Winnie the Pooh and the House's Winter Feast are other popular Adams House traditions. The only real downside of the House may be occasional visits from River critters and hungry Crimson editors (who are already planning next year's House rankings).
Our rankings so far:
4. Adams
5. Cabot
6. Winthrop
7. Lowell
8. Pforzheimer
9. Mather
10. Leverett
11. Dunster
12. Currier
Disclaimer: Flyby's 2013 House Rankings, though unscientific, are based on careful research and review by the Flyby Staff. We encourage you to read the full posts—rather than the rankings alone—to learn more about each House. As difficult as it makes our jobs, thereis good to be found in every one of the twelve.