Keep Calm and Caffeinate

Reading period is almost here, and students’ sleep schedules are sure to take a brutal hit. Mugs full of Lipton black tea and nondescript coffee will inevitably dot library tables, but why settle for the usual dining hall drinks to get your energy fix? Mix it up with these alternative sources of caffeine.
J.P. Licks Cappuccino Crunch Ice Cream
If you’re not worried about the extra calories (note: at this time of year, you shouldn't be), then ice cream is a delicious option for staying awake. One of the main ingredients of this J.P. Licks favorite is coffee, and that extra sugar high can't hurt either. Forego the double scoop this time, though—the ensuing food coma might counteract the caffeine.
X8 Energy Gum
One small stick of this gum contains the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. The brand even claims that the gum will “increase mental awareness,” which you’ll have to test out for yourself. Just be careful not to chew it loudly and obnoxiously in the library.
Perky Jerky
Yes, there is actually a food product with this name. And yes, this is actually beef jerky jam-packed with caffeine. (It also comes in Turkey jerky form.) You might even get some extra brain power from all that protein.
Yerba Mate Tea
Derived from naturally caffeinated plants, mate tea is all the rage within health-conscious communities (read: California hippie-types love it). Try out the Guayaki brand—the tea is pretty tasty and won’t stink up your breath like coffee. Plus, mate has about far more caffeine then regular black tea.
Sprayable Energy
This is how Sprayable Energy works: you spray a “caffeine secret sauce” onto your neck like perfume, your skin absorbs the caffeine, and you become more alert. Sure, it’s a little strange, but spritzing your neck to get your caffeine fix is also pretty simple.