Where to Trick or Treat in the Square

Fact: no one is ever too old to trick-or-treat.
If the five-year-old inside of you wants to go knocking on doors and asking for candy this Halloween, don’t try to fight it. The Harvard Square Business Association recently released a list of places in the Square handing out treats this Thursday night.
The offerings from a few shops in particular caught our eye. Follow the Honey is handing out spoons of local raw honey, just in case those cute little bear bottles at the Farmer’s Market have been catching your eye. The Just Crust is giving out “candy for kids, and free slices to chaperones!” College students could fit into both categories, so… we get both? And Subway is serving up chocolate chip cookies right out of the oven! Mmm…
And if you end up feeling bad about all the candy you’ll be eating, you can always make a trip to the Wellbridge Athletic Club, where healthy treats will be handed out.
Honestly, these businesses are probably expecting trick-or-treaters young, innocent, and unravaged by the horrors of Lamont all-nighters. But who doesn’t love candy? If you feel like going trick-or-treating this Halloween, then dress up, dress warm, and find wish-fulfillment in Harvard Square.