Harvard Introduces First Gen Ed Curriculum, Travels to Nixon's Kitchen Debate, and Hosts Olympic Soccer

Every week, The Crimson publishes a selection of articles that were printed in our pages in years past.
July 23, 1943: Tricycles Aren't Bicycles? Â Go Tell It to a Yard Cop
Admiral Farragut said, "Damn the torpedoes—full speed ahead," but it didn't do freshman Albert "Three Wheeling" Hamilton any good though. He couldn't go full speed ahead 'cause the signs in the Yard said "No Bicycling" and Yard Cops were around to make it hurt.
July 25, 1945: Conant's Committee Reports
Major changes in the goals and techniques of undergraduate education, including a compulsory "General Education" course in each of three broadly defined areas, are recommended in the report of the University Committee on the Objectives of a General Education in a Free Society which was made public this week.
July 23, 1959: Elliott Flies to Moscow with Nixon's Mission
William Y. Elliott, director of the Harvard Summer School, left for Moscow yesterday with Vice President Richard Nixon, it was learned last night. Elliott's name had not appeared on the published lists of members of the Nixon party, and it is thought that his decision to accompany the Vice President may have been made since last Friday.
July 27, 1979: Resident Tutors and Proctors May Get Minimum Wage Limit
The Labor Department's plan to have private colleges pay the minimum wage to proctors and resident tutors would be "very difficult" for Harvard, C. Burris Young, associate dean of freshmen, said yesterday.
July 27, 1984: From Four Continents: Olympics
While fans pouring into Harvard Stadium next week will see some of the world's best soccer, they may be surprised to see it played in a style quite unlike the brand played in the United States.
—Compiled by Nikita Kansra and Julie M. Zauzmer