'Strive hard for the best'

You may have noticed something called the "Tip Box" on the right side of Flyby's homepage. If you type in the Tip Box and click submit, you can send suggestions for blog posts. The problem? Readers frequently seem to think that the Tip Box is actually a search engine, meaning that those queries people ordinarily search for in private are, in actuality, sent directly to those of us behind the scenes at Flyby. Here, for your enjoyment, are some of the words and phrases that Flyby readers have entered over the past few months.
Nov. 28: "Michael Jackson"
Nov. 28: "SEX"
Dec. 1: "fish grilled"
Dec. 12: "wasps"
Dec. 14: "$1"
Dec. 15: "50 cents"
Dec. 16: "25 cents"
Jan. 4: "Harlem Gospel Choir"
Jan. 15: "billy olson"
Jan. 26: "insurance"
Feb. 1: "Lady gaga"
Feb. 3: "BU"
Other types of tips, such as Jan. 18's "Strive hard for the best," are appreciated too.
And as an added tidbit, have you heard about Norman N., the 82-year-old man who thinks that Twitter is a search engine?