Car Bombs on Coaches, Love Story Begins, and Reagan Revelry

Every week, The Crimson publishes a selection of articles that were printed in our pages in years past.
November 3, 1933: New Bombing Stirs Peace and Quiet of Soldiers Field, Angers Coaches---Apted Will Investigate
For the second time this week Harvard coaches have been the victims of bombing outrages at Soldiers Field. Last night when Coach Eddie Bradford stepped on the self-starter of his automobile, a loud crash burst on the stillness of the Cambridge evening. The whole rear-end of his Ford rose in the air and clouds of smoke enveloped the car: then a series of staccato machine-gun blasts; then silence.
Football breeds courage: where lesser men would have fled Bradford merely sat in his car, waiting for something else to happen. Then from the locker room a sound, very much like loud laughter, caused him to glare in that direction for a moment, then start his car again and drive very quickly from the field.
October 31, 1960: Officials Investigate Gastric Upsets
Officials are investigating the epidemic of vomiting that hit approximately 100 freshmen Friday night and Saturday morning. The Sanitary Inspector to the University Health Services, John C. Morris, said he also intends to look into the epidemic of diarrhea in Adams House that occurred Thursday and yesterday.
Unlike the situation is Adams House, the more uncomfortable symptoms of the freshmen epidemic put 15 students in Stillman Infirmary Friday night. The symptoms disappeared by Saturday night, however, Morris said.
November 1, 1961: Police End Serenades by Hallowe'en Throng
Two Cambridge policemen ended the Halloween revelry of a throng of Harvard and Radcliffe students at about 9 p.m. last night, arresting one band member and apparently demoralizing the others.
The student mob, estimated at 350, had barely completed serenading Barnard and Holmes Halls, and were trying their luck at Moors when the police intervened. When asked for a statement, one of the officers said "Well they're all right here so if they go back through the Square and make trouble we'll be in holy Hell. they're all right here but . . . . etc."
One annoyed 'Cliffie in the mob was overheard to say, "What's going on? We do this about seven times a year."
Upon the removal of the band from Moors Hall steps to the cozier Cabot By-Up, and a feeble attempt at mob rallying by some off-key singers, the students dispersed. The entire festivities had lasted about twenty minutes.
November 1, 1969: Ali McGraw Plays Cliffie Again
Lifting the skirt of the Radcliffe girl a little higher above the knee. Ali McGraw again stars as a Harvard coed.
Love Story, written by Erich W. Segal 58- now teaching classics at Yale- focuses on the romance of a Harvard hockey jock and a Radcliffe music major.
For the hockey scrimmaging segments, the Paramount production staff plans to simulate two games in the Watson Rink, using Harvard's varsity team. Harvard players will also fill the roles of Cornell and Dartmouth opponents.
November 5, 1980: Republican Club Lights Cigars While Democrats Stay Sober
While members of the Harvard Republican Club chain-smoked panatelas at a victory dance in Quincy House last night, Democratic Club stalwarts looked glumly past unopened bottles of wine at a black-and-white television on the third floor of the Kennedy School of Government.
Ronald Reagan's student supporters, many garbed in t-shirts emblazoned with a crossed-out portrait of Karl Marx, kicked their celebration off with a high-decibel recording of "Midnight Train From Georgia."
Nathan J. Hagen '81, an Anderson supporter who "crashed" the Republican Club party, wore a swastika on his right arm, which he said "just seemed fitting for the election results."
Compiled by Keith H. Bender '15