Vote Today in The Crimson's Presidential Poll!
The Crimson has taken presidential election polls since at least 1884, when James Blaine beat out Grover Cleveland by just 20 votes among Harvard men. Harvard picked Alfred Landon and Wendell Wilkie over FDR in the 1936 and 1940 polls. At Harvard, Dewey really did defeat Truman, by a margin of more than 2:1.
Now it's your turn to be a part of history.
Click here to vote in The Crimson's 2012 presidential election poll. We'll find out whether Law School students or Grad School of Design students like Obama more, whether science or humanities concentrators are more likely to pick Romney, and how many Harvard students want to legalize medical marijuana in Massachusetts.
Please cast your ballots by 5 p.m. on Wednesday so that we can analyze the results and announce them before Election Day. You need not be a registered voter to participate.
Contact with any questions. Happy voting!