10 Easy Classes

Have an empty slot on your study card that needs to be filled? Check out these 10 classes for a manageable addition to your schedule.
Culture & Belief 37: "The Romance: From Jane Austen to Chick Lit"
Read classic romance novels as you fulfill the General Education requirement for Aesthetic and Interpretative Understanding. Last fall, students reported an average of 2.08 hours of work a week.
Science of the Physical Universe 27: "Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to Soft Matter Science"
Have an understanding of chemistry and dimensional analysis? Take this class. Meet world-class chefs, enjoy delicious labs, and fulfill your SPU requirement.
English 154: "Literature and Sexuality"
Study the intertwining history of literature and sexuality with a painless two hours of work per week. In the fall of 2009, 36 of students enrolled in the course in reported it was "easy" and 59 percent would recommend the class "with enthusiasm."
Human Evolutionary Biology 1330: "Primate Social Behavior"
Want to watch and discuss videos of primates with enthusiastic professors? Stick this course on your study card. Thirty-six percent of students reported this class was "easy" while an additional 6 percent stated it was "very easy."
Music 1a: "Introduction to Western Music from the Middle Ages to Mozart"
Add a bit of culture to your schedule with Music 1a. No prior knowledge is needed to explore 1000 years of western music history in this course. With a difficulty rating of 2.35 out of 5, how can you say no?
African and African American Studies 182: "From R&B to Neo Soul: Black Popular Music and Cultural Transformation"
Learn about the rise of R&B, Soul, Motown, and Funk with a workload averaging fewer than one-and-a-half hours per week. Sixty-nine percent of enrolled students last fall recommended this class "with enthusiasm" while 38 percent reported the course was "easy" and another 15 percent said it was "very easy."
Ancient Near East 104: "Babylon"
If you have an interest in the ancient city of Babylon and its impact on Western society or just want a course light on work, this is the class for you. More than half of students reported this class was either "easy" or "very easy."
Statistics 104: "Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Economics"
Don't let the name fool you, this class is a good way to get that Empirical and Mathematical Reasoning General Education requirement out of the way.
Catalan Ba
Still looking for an easy way to fulfill your language requirement? Try Catalan. It's spoken by 10 million people, and the course received an average difficulty rating of 2.12.
Aesthetic and Interpretative Understanding 33: "Ancient Fictions: The Ancient Novel in Context"
Ancient Greek and Roman fictional prose may not sound easy, but with a light workload and low difficulty rating, this class is a good way to knock out a General Education requirement for Aesthetic and Interpretative Understanding.