The Social Network Roundup

With the release of “The Social Network” just two days away, the Internet and Harvard undergraduates are abuzz as they try to find some insight into screenwriter Aaron Sorkin’s new biopic about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.
On Harvard Time landed an interview with the famous screenwriter. During the interview, Sorkin admits to feeling a sense of kinship with Zuckberg, saying that he “relate[s] to him a lot” and that he has “a lot of affection and respect for him.” Besides a few serious questions, watch for a fidgety and awkward Jesse Eisenberg, who plays Zuckerberg.
The Harvard Lampoon released a parody of the film’s trailer, which satirizes Zuckerberg as power hungry and a bit crazy. In the parody trailer, the main character, who seems to be played by Tom Green, manically connects the dots of faces on a shoddy world map. Then, he raises his arms into the air and bellows, “That’s six billion eight hundred million people. I’ve connected everyone in the entire world!”
A former Harvard undergrad penned an article for Vanity Fair’s website about the new film, in which he argues that almost every character is an “asshole.”
“In this film, Mark Zuckerberg’s an asshole; Sean Parker’s an asshole, the Winklevosslings are stereophonic assholes; Larry Summers is a major asshole; even Summers’s septuagenarian secretary goes out of her way to be a prick,” John Lopez ’03 writes.
Mashable Entertainment argues that this is a movie about “what happens when success literally happens overnight to individuals who haven’t even completed the college experience. How does that not affect who you are? How does that not affect relationships and loyalties?” In other words, he’s a brainiac, a sprouting billionaire, but he’s also just a kid.
This week's Crimson Arts issue took an in-depth look at the writers behind the movie and its recreation of Harvard. It looks like they thought the movie was pretty good, too.
But in one day, you won’t have to rely on outside sources to form your opinion on the film. It’s certainly going to be a must see in Harvard Square this weekend, so you might want to buy tickets in advance.