Mankiw Comes Out with New Textbook

Economics professor Gregory Mankiw has written yet another textbook on intermediate macroeconomics, titled Macroeconomics and the Financial System. Slightly different from his previous macroeconomics book, the new textbook boasts more coverage of the financial system in addition to standard macroeconomic theory and application, according to the publisher’s website.
Mankiw is no stranger to coming out with new textbooks. Only last year, to the chagrin of many, he published the 5th edition of his widely popular textbook, Principles of Economics, for Ec 10 and countless other introductory economics courses across the globe.
Not content with dominating introductory economics textbook sales, Mr. Mankiw teamed up with John Hopkins University Professor of Economics Laurence Ball to reinforce his hold on the intermediate macroeconomics textbook market.
Mr. Mankiw’s newest textbook is currently on the press and will hit shelves just in time for the spring semester. So to all of you future Ec1010b students, good luck finding a used copy.