Drop the H-Bomb, Land Some Chicks

Sometimes, it can seem so hard for students at Harvard to find relationships. We certainly love to complain about it. But now, a new website is here to help…some of us.
DateHarvardSQ calls itself "a unique online dating platform matching discerning women with Harvard University educated men determined to make a difference in the world as foremost doctors, lawyers, businessmen, academics and professionals.” Translation: DateHarvardSQ is a site for (probably non-Harvard) girls who dig Harvard guys.
Interested? Disgusted? Read on to have your most pressing questions answered.
First, a note: since we talked to the people at DateHarvardSQ, they’ve deleted the links to all the couple profiles we describe below and two of the featured mens’ profiles (including Arya, the 40-year-old bro with the popped collar). Wonder what other improvements they’ll be making to the site in the next 24 hours?
Anyway, let's get to the details.
So, how does this thing work, exactly?
Women pay for a subscription to the site, which enables them to receive a set of profiles for “five Harvard University educated men” every week. Then, they choose whom to contact based on the men’s “personal and professional qualities.” Guys with proof of a Harvard connection can register free. Only the women have to pay because they “get all the choice and control, while the men only benefit whenever a woman is interested in them.”
What types of guys are featured?
This site is all about “dating the highest caliber men!” To see what this means, let’s take a look at a few statistics from the previously eight, but now six, sample profiles:
Most popular career field: Finance or consulting.
Most popular favorite philosopher, shared by three (now two) of the profiled men: Nietzsche, who is closely associated with nihilism, which commonly “suggests that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value.”
Enough said.
What type of couples meet through this site?
It’s unclear. Originally, the site featured profiles of four couples, including one HBS grad paired with a hot German model and another with a “Miss Malaysia Universe." Based on the text at the top of the page, we thought these people had met using DateHarvardSQ. Actually, they hadn’t. (Many of the couples have been together for years, but the site is pretty new). DateHarvardSQ said they’ve made it clear that the profiles were posted only as inspirational examples, not actual success stories. Guess we’ll have to blame our critical reading skills.
Let’s learn about a few of these couples, shall we?
“Tanja is a model from Germany and has been in Asia and Europe for work. Tanja loves Jose’s Spanish accent and charm. Jose loves absolutely everything about her!”
“Levy loves everything about Anthony, even his workaholic habits!”
So this site is about helping Harvard men land trophy wives or helping women be gold diggers?
Nah. In fact, we’re told that this is all about female empowerment. The women get to make the choices, remember? As a spokesperson for the site explained, "Our first and foremost priority is discerning women."
But what about Harvard women? And Harvard men or women looking for same-sex relationships?
After we contacted DateHarvardSQ, an FAQ page appeared on the site, featuring “frequently” asked questions that were strikingly similar to the ones we had posed to them. (You can check it out here.) Perhaps you’ll be glad to know that the site may soon be not just about hot models getting with investment bankers—it could be about female investment bankers getting with hot male models or even two male investment bankers getting down to business! As they've promised: "We will soon provide services dedicated to serving Harvard Men interested in dating discerning men, and Harvard Women interested in dating discerning men and women. We understand this can be frustrating in the interim, and we truly appreciate your patience.” Just hang in there, okay folks?
Photo courtesy of Marcus Metropolis/Flickr.