Half Off Boloco Smoothies for Class of '14 Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Boloco is slashing smoothie prices in half for incoming freshmen as they move into their dorms.
First-years need to show their newly-printed Harvard IDs to receive the discount, which applies to any smoothie on the menu.
“This is a little way to make them get acquainted with us and the Harvard community,” said Sal Airó Farulla, the general manager of the Harvard Square location (which, for all you new froshies, is at the intersection of Mt. Auburn Street and Holyoke Street).
While the deal is just for the newest crop of Harvard College students, AirĂł Farulla hinted that good reception tomorrow could lead to more promotions for the rest of the school down the road.
“If this works out, there’ll be a lot of little things like this happening from time to time,” he said.