Bowman's State of the College Address

If you haven't had a chance to watch Johnny Bowman's Presidential Address, here's a transcribed copy [with some brief thoughts]. If you thought campus events were the focus of Bowman's address, confirm your suspicions with a word cloud of the UC president's speech.
"Hi, my name is Johnny Bowman—I'm the president of the Undergraduate Council [But you probably already know this.]—and we've been up to a ton of things this semester [Good to know.], but I'd like to focus on three things that I think will really help out students' lives for the rest of the semester and the next year. The first thing is the online events calendar that we're improving right now [Good work on the events calendar - if only more people knew about it!]. It's going to organize all the student group events, all the departmental events, all the administrative events so that there's one online website where you go, you find out where the parties are that student groups are throwing, you find out the departmental info sessions that are happening, etc. so that instead of going to 5,000 different places, it's all in one centralized location.
Second is parties that the UC is throwing for Harvard students. We give up to $900 for a student to throw a party in his or her common room in his or her house [$900? That could be some super classy booze...], and right now we have a pilot program to test this out - it's happened in Quincy and Pfoho - and they've been successes so far, and we're hoping to make it a lot bigger and more accessible to other houses for the coming year [Hooray!].
The third thing is to expand tailgates. We had a tailgate for the lacrosse game versus Duke just this past month. It was a huge success: we had 1,200 students show up, giant party outside of the stadium, and we're hoping to expand that to all sports—and even cultural events [Pre-Ghungroo inflatable jousting, anyone?] - for the coming year. That's it—thanks!"
Image by The Harvard Crimson.