The Crimson Cocktail

Bored with Busch? Think Natural Ice is nasty? Reeling over Rubinoff?
Every day, we try to bring you news worth reading, but now we're going to try to give you news that you can drink. Every week, a local mixologist from a local bar or pub will put together a drink that they think represents a recent campus news item.
So sit back, grab a drink (that’s a virgin drink if you’re under 21) and enjoy this week’s Crimson Cocktail.
The Crimson reported that party-hard Harvard students are going to University Health Services in droves, with freshmen comprising nearly half of the 102 hospitalizations from last semester.
The Drink:
Of-age drinkers would do well to avoid drinking straight rubinoff and set a good example for the dangerously inebriated freshmen class. The good men and women at Grafton Street Pub & Grill have the answer with their brand new Nuala Mule, a rhum and ginger alternative to beer. Grafton Street bartender Kyle Fletcher mixed the drink, which was designed by Kelly Sprouse, especially for FlyBy. Here’s how to make your own Nuala Mule:
1. Measure out two ounces of Rhum Agricole and place in a rocks glass.
2. Pour in a half-ounce of pineapple juice.
3. Add three-quarters of an ounce of lime juice.
4. Top it all off AJ Stephans Ginger Beer.
5. Add a slice of lime for style.
Under 21-year-olds should replace the ginger beer with ginger flavoring and the Rhum Agricole with a similarly sweet drink for a virgin version of this cocktail.