Broletariat: "A Place Where Bros Can Like... Chill"

When Thomas M. Kolasa '13 purchased the domain a few months ago, he had every intention to sell it for profit. But after realizing the need for a "hang-out" spot for Harvard bros such as himself, Kolasa decided to create a bro-crastinating site for his CS50 final project.
Advertised as "A place where bros can like... chill," Broletariat features a collaborative Brolloquium, a feed where registered Harvard bros can post notes, photos, and videos, and discuss relevant topics in a “stress-free environment.”
The Broletariat and the Brolloquium are for every type of bro, Kolasa said, even for the people who do not associate themselves with the regular types of bros.
“You can have your physics bros who get together on Friday nights and watch ‘Big Bang Theory,’” Kolasa said. “Through the rigor of quotidian life, we forget that that is what is most important to us. It’s our bromances that define who we really are.”
The site, however, is apparently off-limits to girls. Currently, a link on the homepage that says “Girls Click Here!” begins a fake virus upload that “[o]nly a bro-hater would fall for.”
Kolasa says the site will be revamped post-CS50 during J-Term, when he hopes to add a blog feature for bro debates in addition to blockers—such as hidden links to Twilight sites and quizzes—to keep girls off the site.
An economics concentrator in Mather House, Kolasa had no programming experience before he took CS50 this semester. His final project, he said, helped him personally realize the type of Harvard bro he was.
“Before, I couldn't find my identity, but through the making of this site, I found that I’m a bro-grammer.”
Photo courtesy of Thomas M. Kolasa '13/Broletariat.