Lesson of the Day: Max is Cute, and Don't You Forget It

Monday morning, Kirkland House Master Tom Conley sent out a curious e-mail over the house list on behalf of a "transfer" who, it seems, couldn't type the e-mail for himself. It went like this:
I am a transfer having recently moved into an apartment adjacent to N-21. My roommate is Jesse. I am very excited about meeting and sharing meals with everyone at the House. Looking forward to the good company of K-House,
A cryptic e-mail, indeed. Who is this Max, and how dare he presumptuously talk of sharing meals and other such intimations? Find out after the jump:
The answer: Max is a 15 lb. male dog. Supposedly, he's only nine-weeks-old, and you know what that means.
Check out the living ball of adorable fur, rollicking in grass that might as well wilt and die of shame from being in the same picture of Max and his lustrous black coat. Look at how he daintily lifts a paw, as his dark eyes sit like deep wells in the face of a poet. What a creature!
Ahem, sorry, FlyBy was a little taken. But it seems like the rest of Kirkland House is, too. One resident claimed that she was prepared to carry Max to UHS for "Furry Cuteness Overdose," and another resident cooed:
Photos courtesy of Ton Conley.