New and Improved Brain Break®: Less New, Less Improved

New and Improved Brain Break® began at Harvard this week, and FlyBy couldn’t wait to try it out. The thought of new, nutritious options to end our second-to-last day of shopping was irresistible—well, at least, until we got there.
From cupcakes with frosting in Annenberg to apple pie in Quincy, FlyBy couldn’t help but think that New and Improved Brain Break® looked eerily familiar. So we asked some of our fellow late-night diners what they thought.
Jennifer C. Francisco ’10, spotted in Eliot
On Eliot’s normal fare: “Typically, Eliot’s Brain Breaks aren’t very good, so I’m not very surprised.”
On the cupcakes: “They were good. They reminded me of Annenberg Brain Breaks.”
On what was missing: “There’s no hemp plus granola. That kinda makes me sad, but you gotta appreciate what you have.”
FlyBy’s response: Good attitude, Jen. Appreciating what you have, that’s what it’s all about.
More after the jump...
Jeff L. Hall ’11, spotted in Annenberg eating a slice of Papa John’s pepperoni pizza.
His most notable memory of Brain Break: “I remember once last year they had a bunch of cheesecakes, like 30 cheesecakes.”
The likelihood it will happen again: “Nah, I think that was a fluke.”
On his pizza: “It’s good.”
Chris J. Loney ’11, spotted in Quincy eating an apple.
On breakfast: “I am a huge fan of hot breakfast, and the fact that they took it away was very, very sad.”
On what he ate: “I had an apple, along with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on wheat bread.”
On what he wanted at Brain Break: “Grapes. I like grapes. I’ve never seen grapes at a Brain Break before.”
Keren E. Rohe ’13, spotted in Annenberg eating Fruit Loops
On what was served: “That half of the dining kitchen was blocked off so I couldn’t get to the cereal I wanted. I really wanted the Crackle and Oat Bran, and it was on the other side and I was sad.”
On what she wanted at Brain Break: “I would want them to bring in a servant to do my homework. I have 140 pages of reading to do for class.”
FlyBy’s response: Welcome to Harvard.