Need Money? Earn $$ With Your Naked Self

Remember Diamond Magazine? For those of you who don't, it's the infamous nude magazine that sparked debate despite only being published once online last September.
But the brainchild of Matthew M. Di Pasquale '08 appears to be attempting a comeback. An email from Di Pasquale has begun making the rounds of several email lists, advertising the opportunity to earn up to $1000 for posing nude in Diamond Magazine.
So, if you "think you're amazing and gorgeous and would like to show off your beauty in the pages of Diamond Magazine," or are simply curious, read on.
The "Model" page of the Diamond Magazine Web site says:
Di Pasquale claims that compensation for posing nude will total a minimum of $1 K, but that it is possible to even "make up to $10,000 just from magazine sales." Models are also entitled to an entire 30% of the profits made from selling their (naked?) likeness in the form of "videos, poster-prints, screensavers and desktop backgrounds."
More after the jump...
Applications to model are due Friday, September 11, with a Harvard casting call the following day. If you plan to apply, is it recommended that you request Di Pasquale as a Facebook friend so that Diamond can "see your natural look and learn more about you." Hey, why not? They'll be seeing you naked anyway.
Photo: Courtesy of