O_O VOID 5/11/09

The VOID is that empty time between 5am and 8am every night where there’s no one on gchat, no sound but your roommate’s blissful snoring, and nothing to think about besides the work you’re not getting done. But you’re not alone, FlyBy is here to guide you through.
Beloved Reading Period is here (FlyBy uses two benchmarks: the last of the formals, and the last day the Owl or Fly is blasting music at 5pm (crossing our fingers on the second one, we suppose)). And it's real. Yeah, those papers/projects last week were cute and all and oh did they take a lot of time, but finals are where legends are made. Sure, a little teamwork can do you good, and practice (please practice) makes perfect, but when it's gametime, it'll just be you, the blue book, and that cute little old lady proctor.
Too bad you're going to lose her moral support after this round of finals. Eventful day, eh? You can protest the budget cuts in the VOID, too (outside of adding to that 55 email chain with the exact same point everyone else already made). Make a 5am trek from Lamont to the Quad. Or better yet, wait for the sunrise and show solidarity with your athlete friends by enjoying a bacony breakfast with them.
For the next couple of hours, though, something to do. FlyBy knows you're not getting anything done--how long have you been in that same seat? Here's a long piece from The Atlantic, talking about what makes us happy. That's nice. Haiku breakup, on the other hand, will only make you happy because it's not you. This video about child beauty pageants will probably just freak you out (seriously...). These Google Chrome commercials will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside (cute commercials don't do that to you?).
In case you need a cheap laugh, this will deliver. If you've been reduced to a vegetable, here ya go. Don't have too much fun with that.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons/William James