The Ivy League Sorting Hat

FlyBy was browsing the Web and found this. Ahoy, there. Facebook has created a new quiz to test what Ivy League school we should go to? Sort of like the sorting hat in facebook form, eh? FlyBy was intrigued.
Written by a Harvard and a Columbia grad, this 10-question quiz says, "Whether you went to one, are going to one, want to go to one, or could have gone to one (but chose not)"--FlyBy: people DO that???--"find out which one Ivy League school is right for you." FlyBy decided to try out the quiz on its favorite guinea pigs, the prefosh. See if they deserved their placement, etc. See how the little rascals did, after the jump.So, here's the deal: Three-fifths of the lab rats received the heartwarming confirmation that they do indeed belong here. One of the remaining two, placed no doubt in a less desirable Ivy, even took the test again for good measure. The results were reported to FlyBy:
Indeed. Well, so be it. But don't feel bad, freshmen. This FlyBy blogger got Dartmouth.
(Photo courtesy of