Dartmouth Fans Strike Again!

We have no evidence for this accusation and are basing these findings entirely on hearsay, but once again in the weekend leading up to the Harvard/Dartmouth baseball series, a "random, unprovoked" act of vandalism has tainted Harvard's athletic facilities.
Every year Crimson baseball plays a home/road weekend slate with the Big Green, spending one day in Hanover and the other in Cambridge. Dartmouth fans are world-class hecklers, known for insightful drunken banter and tireless roadtripping. But as much as Flyby respects these traits in a fan, each year it appears that a group of unruly Big Green supporters take the baseball rivalry to an even higher level. To hear about their latest antics (depicted in the photo to the right), read on after the jump.
According to baseball team lore (i.e. captain Harry Douglas), past debauchery has included digging up parts of the baseball diamond, including a herculean effort last season to uproot the deeply entrenched home plate of O'Donnell Field. Now, you may be wondering, as we are, how these actions make any sense. Haha we messed up Harvard's field, but wait, doesn't Dartmouth have to play there tomorrow and won't this be just as annoying for them? It appears that this question dawned on the current regime of "unidentified" vandals and prompted them to lash out in a much more practical fashion: by digging up part of the H on Soldiers Field. Ahh, enlightened shenanigans. Don't vandalize the field to be used, maim ANOTHER field!
Now, to be fair, as you can see from the photo, the Big Green supporters kept the damage within reason. By only digging up the red part of the H, the perpetrators allowed Harvard's maintenance crew to easily patch up the offensive spot. And admittedly, we tip our cap to the Dartmouth fans for showing that they actually care deeply about Ivy League sports. Or at least about dissing Harvard. Either way, this intrepid FlyBy reporter is headed up to Hanover for the weekend series to see Big Green fans at their belligerent finest, when the two schools fight it out for real on the diamond. Stay tuned for a sneak peek into the world of true Ivy sports fanatics.
P.S. Dartmouth sucks.
Photo by Bora Fezga/The Harvard Crimson