Mankiw Facebook Fail

Legendary Ec10 Professor, former Bush aide, textbook author, and all around good guy N. Gregory Mankiw’s too popular for Facebook. In a blog post Monday, he said that he had reached the social networking site’s friend limit and, as a result, had no need for it anymore.
"For the past couple years, I have used the account for the sole purpose of accumulating 'friends'," Mankiw wrote. "Now, Facebook tells me that I have reached my upper limit! So there is little point in keeping the account." More of FlyBy's take after the jump.
Right. So here's the deal: if you were one of the lucky 5,000 people that made it in under the cap, don’t get too cocky – he doesn’t really think you’re friends. Notice that in the post, Mankiw puts friends in quotations. Kind of like how he “teaches” Ec 10. (Just kidding Professor Mankiw. FlyBy actually loved your class, and your book, but our editors make him come up with these crowd-pleasing snark-attacks.)
Facebook has long had a 5,000 friend limit, mainly for reasons of space limits. The recent change to the “new” facebook was expected to increase or eliminate the cap, but apparently it didn’t. The cap isn’t a problem for us because we aren’t so loved.
Mankiw himself could not be reached for comment on his friend situation yesterday.
Crimson File Photo.