Condom Conundrum

Since the advent of dreadfully embarrassing sex-ed classes, American young'uns have been repeatedly told (and awkwardly shown) to use condoms. Safe sex = wrap it up. Even middle schoolers grasped the message.
But the Pope has recently generated a media firestorm by questioning the effectiveness of rubbers in fighting STDs. And now, the director of Harvard's AIDS Prevention Research Project has got the pontiff's back. So what's a college student on Spring Break to do? Is this the end of awkward banana demonstrations in middle school? FlyBy has your answer, after the jump.
Not so much. According to Edward C. Green, the AIDS project director, condoms can be ineffective or harmful in preventing the spread of AIDS in Africa. And while those comments have drawn considerable controversy, Green says they only extend to the epidemic in Africa. In America, where AIDS isn't as prevalent, he says condoms have been shown to be effective to an extent.
And according to UHS, they're the "best form of protection." So as you let off steam during spring break, well, don't leave home without them.