Houses Try Their Hand at Video

As house spirit reaches a crescendo heading into Thursday, a few have gone the extra mile to make videos celebrating the endless virtues of their houses.Ā All the clips, after the jump.
Mather has beenĀ on point with their videos for quite some time now.Ā So it's of no surprise that they were the first to drop theirs, which is an equal opportunity offender of every house (besides Currier??):
Not to be outdone, Leverett has cooked up a video of its own.Ā Prominently featuring the Leverett bunny, this 7-minute video covers all its bases:
Next up is Dunster, whose video is...well, let's just say it's in true Dumpster form (you can see where this one's going) who took down their initial attempt...again, we'll reference what will probably be their best bet:
Though not officially sanctioned from the HoCo, there was even some fledgling Winthrop spirit (don't know why), courtesy of The Harvard Hooligans:
Yeah...that was a picture of Leverett at the end, but who's counting.Ā Finally, Eliot has a little piece of propaganda of its own, staging a dramatic battle with Kirkland for all the freshman in Annenberg to see:
The battle ends in part 2, with a victory for the mighty Domus.Ā FlyBy is absolutely loving the house spirit all around...but we follows the motto thatĀ you play to win the game. Who came out on top?