Mad Good Cupcakes

If you’re a “Mad Men” devotee prone to eating your feelings of sadness about this season’s end, look no further than Sweet Cupcake’s Season Finale promotion! Throughout the day today, Sweet will be offering cupcakes with various Mad Men related images plastered on top of their otherwise normal cupcakes.
The bakery advertises their cupcakes as “fresh baked daily from scratch—just like Betty Draper would have made them.” Perhaps this is indeed how the embodiment of ’60s-housewife-syndrome would have made them were she Betty Crocker, Baking Guru as opposed to Betty Draper, Ice Queen Extraordinaire.
Sweet will be playing “Mad Men” seasons 1 and 2 on the in-store television; implicit in this aspect of the promotion is a challenge to cupcake consumers to make one cupcake last through 26 hours of television without pulling a Roger Sterling-style cardiac arrest (minus the whole “adultery as cause” part) or Peggy-style psychotic freak-out. Perhaps Sweet should have consulted Don before pulling this one.