Ivory Tower Season 7

Sexual innuendos, fossilized jokes (get it?!), cheating on your boyfriend in front of your boyfriend, Ivory Tower Season 7 comes back with a bang…well, not quite, only if the boyfriend hadn’t interrupted.
The Season Premier titled “You’re Not In Kenya Anymore” marks the return of Rob Foster after a year abroad, only to find Dartek (who?) rave all over campus and the girl of his dreams dating Dartek (again, who?). Well, sorry bud, trends here in Cambridge moves fast. But hey, at least you kissed the girl before Dartek did. Boy, talk about drama!
The plot is somewhat soapy, with poor Rob clearly sexually frustrated – fossilized rhinoceros penis and two beetles copulating for a thousand years in copal? – must’ve had a tough year in Kenya. But what captured FlyBy’s eyes was Mel, the girl-next-door, the loyal best friend, the one you call up at 3 AM in the morning to tell her about all your girl troubles. Well, she’s clearly got her own set of woes this time.
Readers, stay tuned for the next episode and analysis on FlyBy!