Bombay Club To Leave Square

The Crimson reported today that Bombay Club is closing their Harvard Square location on Oct. 25 and moving to the South End in early November, due to declining sales, high rent costs, and a financial dispute with landlord Raj Dhanda.
Though professors and students admitted they don't eat out a great deal, several said they will miss Bombay Club—including Law School Professor Alan M. Dershowitz, a Bombay Club regular.
Read more from Dershowitz and others after the jump.
"I'm going to miss the Bombay Club—particularly the tandoori chicken," he told The Crimson yesterday. "I'll probably go to the South End and try it a few times, see how it is down there."
Dershowitz added that he enjoyed going there with first-year law students to introduce them to Indian food for the first time and with colleagues like Law School Professor Charles J. Ogletree Jr. and African-American Studies Professor Henry Louis "Skip" Gates Jr.
According to Bombay Club owner Vinod Kapoor, Bombay Club is Gates' "favorite restaurant" and the professor goes there "two or three times a week when he is in town." Gates, who is not in town at present, could not be reached for comment.
"Bombay Club sort of became the Faculty Club," said Religion Professor Diana Eck of the time when the Faculty Club on Quincy St. was closed for renovations a few years ago.  "It was inexpensive and collegial, and you didn't have to wait very long because of the buffet."