Bombs Away!

What's going to school in big, bad Cambridge like without a couple of bomb scares once in a while? No big deal, right? Just another night where a bunch of fire engines are blaring their sirens and flashing their the Quad?! The relative tranquility usually experienced by Quadlings was disrupted this evening when the commotion caused by the fire department led many to think there was a bomb threat in the surrounding area.
Find out what it was after the jump!
Turns out, the Cambridge Fire Department and bomb squad were merely responding to a call from an elderly couple...trying to get rid of a cannonball. We know, right? The surprises just keep coming. The couple had, for many years, used said cannonball as a doorstop in their home, but on this fateful evening of October 26, 2009, they decided it was finally time to let go of their beloved iron friend.
So a worried neighbor called the fire department who called the bomb squad, and the cannonball has since been carried off to be disposed of safely.
Oh, Quad Life.