"Miss Your Grandma?"

PBHA is hoping you do—and rightly so, FlyBy thinks. Rarely does a day go by that is void of dreams of our grandmother's shameless spoiling and coddling, and her special bean paste stew (well, maybe that concerns just a select few of us).
With that in mind, it's hard to ignore PBHA's heart-warming notices over the house lists, encouraging students to join the Elderly Affairs Committee, which conducts the Elderly 1-2-1 and Vernon Hall Nursing Home programs.
The message cuts to the chase—and it ends up right in the core of that soft, plump mass called your heart (yes, you have one; we know it's hard to tell sometimes):
That's a good question. After all, good deeds shouldn't have to stay within the bloodline, right? Find out why you might want to consider adopting a third (or fourth?) grandma (in concept) for yourself, after the jump.
According to Daniel E. Lage '10, co-director of the Vernon Hall volunteer program, PBHA hopes to recruit new volunteers through its publicity efforts; though PBHA has a sprawling membership, about only 20 volunteers work with the elderly, he says.
But the organization is also trying to raise awareness of elderly issues and to honor the "legacy" of senior citizens, regardless of whether they constitute family. Lage says of his volunteer work: "It is almost like having my grandparents here."
"We're trying to say, 'Let's take a step back.' As Harvard students, what can we do to honor their legacy and to contribute to elderly needs?" he says, adding that the need for cognizance of elderly issues becomes all the more significant as the nation grows older.
Interested individuals seeking more details should e-mail PBHAelderly@gmail.com.