A New Day at Harvard
What Hillel Can Teach Us About the Need for Spaces of Refuge on Campus
For nearly 30 years, a grandiose 19,500 square-foot building in the center of campus has served as a hub for Jewish life at Harvard.
To Pop the Harvard Bubble, the College Must Subsidize Students’ Public Transportation
Every Harvard student has probably been warned about the “Harvard bubble,” the tendency to lose awareness of the outside world during their four years on campus.
In Support of Low-Stakes, High-Impact Learning at Harvard
The typical admonishment from almost every elder to his 18-year-old college grandchild is the same: “Take advantage of these four years; it’s the last time you’ll be free to pursue what you love.” Yet at Harvard, students are severely limited in their ability to do just that.
Harvard Must Start Subsidizing Students’ Post-Grad Service Jobs
For a Harvard student seeking out a paid public service internship during the summer, opportunities are abundant.
The Case for Increasing Undergraduate Enrollment
For decades, the size of Harvard’s student body hasn’t budged. Despite more and more proof of the sky-high value of a Harvard College degree and the University’s continuously growing applicant pool, administrators haven’t taken the logical next step: to let in more students.